Bala sir’s message
Prof . Dr. (Col.) A. Balasubramanian
Founder President & Founder Chancellor,
Sri Balaji University, Pune
Sri Balaji University, Pune means quality and commitment to the students’ community. We believe that each and every student has the potential to be groomed to have a successful corporate career. Converting the right candidates to the right jobs through right training and development has always been the goal of our Society. We are deeply pleased to state that we have achieved the same to a larger extent as can be seen from the Track-Record of campus placements of our management institutes.
We are proud to state that, within an existence of 15 years Sri Balaji Society is known not only for the best infrastructure but also for the best faculties. Sri Balaji Society is already ranked as one amongst top Three for ‘visiting faculties’ in India by ‘Business India’ dated 17th Oct. 2010, which means active involvement of corporate stalwarts in imparting instructions and practical exposure to students about the industry. The has also ranked Balaji Institute of Modern Management (BIMM), formerly known as Indian Institute of Modern Management (IIMM) – the first B-School of Sri Balaji Society, as one amongst the Top five B-Schools for ‘Marketing’ specialization in the country. BIMM is also ranked as one amongst the top 13 private B-schools in the country, top 28 B-schools in the country and one amongst top 2 B-school in Pune by Outlook magazine dated 1st October 2012.BIMM is ranked as one amongst 4th Business School in India for the return on investment(ROI), (Source OUTLOOK OCT 6, 2014.)
Balaji Institute of Telecom & Management (BITM) is ranked as 46th Top B -School in India. (Source: Times & Nielson Survey, Times Top B School Survey, 31st March 2014. Times of India). Balaji Institute of International Business (BIIB) is ranked as (A+++) B- School in India (Source: Go Getter May 2014). Balaji Institute of Management and Human Resource Development (BIMHRD) Pune is ranked 42nd Top B -School in India. (Source: Times Nielson Survey, Times Top B School Survey, 31st March 2014. Times of India). BITM, BIIB, BIMHRD are also one amongst the best B Schools ranked (A++) by ‘Business India’ in the country and enjoys very good campus placements. All these four institutes viz. BIMM, BITM, BIIB, and BIMHRD are approved by AICTE. I am proud to record here that more than 1000 students from all these four Management Institutes of Sri Balaji Society have been placed in the Industry by every year with a good compensation package. The compensation package varies according to the company and competencies of each individual. This track record has encouraged us to initiate more bold and innovative training methods with active support from the corporate stalwarts and the Industry who have recognized our sincerity and seriousness to the cause of growth and development of our students who are excelling themselves in the industry and are proving to be the fast-trackers.
The excellent faculties, conducive environment, good infrastructure and stimulating atmosphere in our campus enable students to dream and work hard to achieve their goals. It should be noted that being creative, experimenting and unconventional group of B-Schools, we keep on updating our course-curriculum and this has increased the efficiency and effectiveness of our students. We treat time as the most precious resource. Therefore, classes-exercises-examinations may be scheduled around the clock, for longer hours, and hence the students are required to go through rigorous and hectic grooming/ training process for 365 days. We don’t believe in the concept of holidays as two-years is a short period to impart all the skills and knowledge competencies. Therefore, only those who are medically fit to undergo rigorously and a hectic schedule should seek admission. A positive attitude is the other requirements of our Society.
Sri Balaji Society (SBS) functions on the lines of Industry and University. The Directors of the Society are the pillars of the society and are devoted to the welfare, growth efficiency, excellence of Education and training in each of the Management Institutes on the lines of a Corporate Headquarters. The Directors of the Institutes are scholars and great leaders in their own right and work for hand in hand with the Directors of the Society as one family. Each director is empowered to take decisions within the framework of rules and regulations laid down by Sri Balaji Society. The rules and regulations of Sri Balaji Society are framed by a High-Power Committee which comprises of, all the Directors and Advisors of Sri Balaji Society. Each institute is also having its own sub-committee comprising of the Director and Faculties of the institute. This interdependent and independent stand of each Institute enables us to grow together by drawing the expertise, energy, and resources from all the sources of the Society.
We have a common prospectus for all the four management institutes of SBS because everything is common in SBS. Common culture, common grooming, common training methods, common examinations, and common facilities which ultimately ensures that the quality standards in all the institutes are maintained at par and no one is in a disadvantageous position. The unity-in-diversity approach is helping us in a big way. The students are the biggest beneficiaries as is seen in the real test i.e, in the campus placements season. Most of the companies are seeing the students of all the four institutes who fulfill the qualitative requirements. Only a few of the companies are visiting particular institutes of Sri Balaji Society. These couple of companies, about 10 or so, too are being apprised to see all the institutes.
Admissions to all the courses run by BIMM/ BITM/ BIIB/ BIMHRD are on merit, based on a Combined Admission Process, which will be held Ahmedabad, Bathinda, Bangalore, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Dehradun, Delhi, Goa, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Jaipur, Jammu, Kochi, Kolkata, Kota, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, Patna, Pune, Raipur, Ranchi, Varanasi, Belgaum, Coimbatore, Gangtok, Gwalior, Jabalpur, Trivandrum and Vijayawada. However, we reserve the right to cancel any center if warranted due to any contingency.
We accept CAT/MAT/XAT/CMAT scores. We don’t believe in the cut off score as we feel that Sri Balaji Society Model of selection has proved the test of time as it covers all the requisites including personality and other relevant factors. We give due weight to all these relevant factors. This can be seen from the track record of our campus placements. Our selection process, in the selection centers, involves Group Discussions, Essay Writing, and Personal Interviews. It may be mentioned here that, IIM’s are not involved in our selection or grooming methods. All these scores of entrance exam, group discussion, essay, and interview are given due weight and final merit-list is drawn based on which courses/institutes are allotted to the applicants. Therefore, students can buy one prospectus and can apply to anyone or to all the courses offered in all the management institutes of SBS through one common application form. During the selections, the expert panels will study the suitability of the candidates for the course applied by them and then allow either the same course applied by the candidate or another alternate suitable course in any of the institutes although the student will initially be considered according to the preference given by the student. In case, the student does not stand in the Merit-list for the course applied according to preferences he/she will be considered for other courses offered by any of the institutes. We assume that fresh graduates are not well-equipped to know about the job-contents of various courses and therefore, it is our duty to match the candidate to the right course and according to the merit list.
The course curriculum for each course has been designed in consultation with corporate stalwarts and will be implemented as hither-to-fore. It may be mentioned that our course-contents are Designed and benchmarked with the best B-Schools. Personality development of students is a critical requirement for the growth and development of students. Therefore, a lot of work-shops and co-curricular activities are conducted regularly by the society in all the institutes to ensure that the students are immensely benefitted. Guest lectures, Management Games and Seminars are integral parts of the intensive training provided to our students. Very Senior Trainers and Corporate Stalwarts from the industry regularly visit us for the same.
Discipline, Dedication, and Determination are our Core-Values. While we adopt a paternalistic approach in matters of welfare and mentoring, we deal with the in disciplined students with an iron hand. SBS is run on the lines of industry and rules and regulations are considered supreme. Therefore, you are requested to go through the instructions published in this prospectus and to make your choice. We can assure you that your admission to any of our B-schools would mean the right step to ultimately land up in corporate careers.

Welcome To Sri Balaji Society, Pune.
Yours sincerely
Prof. Dr. (Col) A. Balasubramanian
Founder President & Founder Chancellor, Sri Balaji University, Pune